Auburn University Research

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Research News

SHOWCASE 2025 to highlight creative scholarship at Auburn; submissions deadline extended to 4:45 p.m. on October 7, 2024
By Mike Jernigan
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CFWE researchers awarded USDA NIFA grant to advance sustainable agroforestry
By Cole Sikes
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Auburn Engineering’s additive manufacturing research is key component in NASA’s Invention of the Year
By Jeremy Henderson
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Auburn establishes Electronics Packaging Research Institute
By Jeremy Henderson
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Can a helicopter safely land after engine failure? Researcher earns $307K grant to explore how
By Joe McAdory
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Nursing professor receives simulation research fellowship
By Latha Bhavnani
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Research Facts

Research expenditures increased 64% from FY18 to FY23.
Licensing income for Auburn technologies exceeded $15 million for FY12 - FY21.
479 patents have been issued for Auburn inventions.

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